VST Instruments

A collection of custom VST instruments Sampled, processed and packaged for distribution (Windows Only) featuring built-in Effects, Custom Velocity curves and integrates Envelopes and/or Mixers. All parameters are automation ready and all effects can be disabled to allow user control over the raw sound. Clicking an image will take you to the corresponding instrument in a Google Drive folder for download.


Ambient soundscapes and singing leads, a good jack-of-all trades instrument set.

Ever wondered what it would sound like to bow a railing? How about re-pitching a Tam Tam to almost sub audible frequencies? Me neither, however that is exactly what I have done with this sample based instrument. With sounds recorded both in a studio environment and on location, re-pitched on a Tascam Reel-to-reel deck and mapped to a piano roll for added flutter and character, this instrument promises to fit a wide range of applications from ambient drones and spacy tones using the built in reverb to clean sustained or percussive sounds to meet most needs.


Clean piano, distorted Rhodes, this instrument set covers your keys needs.

From the Fender Rhodes electric piano to the eerie sound of a match wood toy piano, Keys has everything you need to write for a range of genres. With on-instrument controls such as Piano felt and Rhodes tone fully automation ready, the possibilities surrounding this instrument set are greatly increased, combining this with built in effects such as drive and reverb alongside a built in mixer, this instrument becomes a powerful tool for any musician.


Tuned percussion for purists and ambient artist alike.

Whilst incorporating traditional tuned percussion such as the Marimba and Chime bars, this instrument set also includes the lesser known Belleplates instrument from the hand bell family. These instruments combined allow this instrument set to take a mellow, supporting role whilst also being able to deliver strong melodic tones that cut through the mix as and when the situation call for it. Combining these instruments with built in effects provides users with a powerful tool for more ambient or experimental music, making this an plugin with vast potential. 


Clean acoustic, no nonsense drum samples combined and processed into a conclusive kit.

Drums, we all use them, however in the majority of cases I find myself looking for clean samples over pre-made kits, in most part due to creators over compressing or EQing their sample. This kit is different, with very little compression and EQ work done, the resulting samples are clean and crisp with snappy snares and a punchy kick. The option for removing the snare belts has also been included for those wanting a more 'melodic' sound to their kit. For artists wishing to incorporate drums into the creation of soundscapes as one shot effects, the included reverb allows this kit to adopt a huge sound whilst not overwhelming any other instruments.


The working mans violin.

As the name suggests, the saw is in fact a woodworking tool come musical instrument often referred to as a singing saw due to the sound produced. The saw featured in this sample instrument is a Bacho BH296 30" bass saw also known as a 'Sandvikens Stradivarius' and has been in production since approximately 1919. This is an incredibly uncommon folk instrument, with a beautiful sustained sound similar to that of a Theremin, that is guaranteed to cut through any mix and provide a clear lead, or sit bellow the mix with stout bass tones, truly a versatile instrument.


A powerful sound with options for unison and sub notes.

Originally made between 1800 and 1930, the Parsifal Melodeon was designed to be a disposable instrument, costing the equivalent of £1.50 at the time of its production. Despite this low cost approach to the design, these instruments have a powerful and cutting sound reminiscent of their more expensive counterparts, and in some cases are considered to be on a similar level of sound quality to some more modern American accordions. Few exist in a playable condition with original bellows and reeds however I have the great fortune of owning one such instrument and as such wish to preserve its sound through the medium of sampling. As an added bonus I have included a drive effect to push the higher frequencies of the instrument, giving it more uses in electronic, prog-rock and metal tracks. (Due to some unforeseen compatibility issues, this instrument is not compatible with Ableton 11 at this time).

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